Borough President Updates 12/4/2020

December 7, 2020




·         As of 1:00 PM on Thursday, December 3rd, there have been 299,509 confirmed COVID-19 cases in New York City, with 91,647 confirmed cases in Brooklyn. As of Thursday, December 3, there have been 19,613 confirmed deaths citywide, and 4,692 probable deaths; that includes 5,864 confirmed deaths, and 1,648 additional probable deaths, in Brooklyn.


·         Mayor De Blasio announced students in 3-K, Pre-K programs, kindergarten through 5th Grade, who have opted for in-person learning will return to school buildings on Monday, December 7th. Schools serving students with the most significant disabilities, known as District 75, will return on December 10th. Middle and High Schools will remain remote for the time being.

·         Mayor de Blasio indicated that schools wouldn’t close again citywide as long as the seven-day rolling positivity testing average rate for COVID-19 does not hit 9 percent.

·         Learning Bridges offers no-cost preschool and school age child care options for children from 3-K through eighth grade on days when they are scheduled for remote learning. Click here to learn more.

·         “Let’s Learn NYC!” is an educational public television program produced by the WNET Group in partnership with the New York City Department of Education (DOE), features lessons for children in 3K through second grade that will supplement remote learning. More information can be found here.

·         Women.NYC, which is powered by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC), released a downloadable guide for free and low-cost tech courses in New York City.


·         NYU Langone’s Neuroscience Institute, the Neuroscience Outreach Group, and the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry will present a free virtual panel discussion on the COVID-19 pandemic and Mental Health on December 10th at 5:00 PM. Click here to register.

·         Governor Cuomo released details on the metrics regarding COVID-19 micro-clusters.

·         Red Zone — Micro-Cluster: A “Red Zone” focus area is put in place to contain spread from a specific, defined geographic area.

·         Orange Zone — Warning/Buffer: An Orange Zone area either is put in place primarily in densely populated urban areas as a tight buffer zone around a Red Zone micro-cluster (“Orange Buffer Zone”) area OR is implemented independently as a focus area based on the below metrics (“Orange Warning Zone”). The purpose of an Orange Buffer Zone is to 1) restrict activity to prevent further spread from Red Zone area; 2) provide a defined geographic area where metrics can be monitored daily to ensure COVID is not spreading beyond the Red Zone.

·         Yellow Zone — Precautionary/Buffer: A “Yellow Zone” area either is put in place as a broader buffer area to ensure COVID outbreak is not spreading into the broader community (“Yellow Buffer Zone”) OR is implemented independently based on the below metrics (“Yellow Precautionary Zone”). The purpose of a Yellow Buffer Zone is to 1) restrict some activity to help prevent further spread from Red and/or Orange Warning Zone area; 2) provide a larger defined geographic area where metrics can be monitored daily to ensure COVID is not spreading beyond the Red Zone or Orange Warning Zone.

·         For more details click here.

·         The Mayor’s Office released an interactive map of closure zones in parts of Brooklyn and Queens due to a spike in COVID-19 cases. The map allows businesses and residents to look up what zone they’re in and what closures impact them. To view the map, click here.

·         Free tele-support group services are available with Lighthouse Guild Family Service Network. For young adults with vision loss, click here. For adults with vision loss, click here. For all questions, call (212) 769-7833.

·         COVID-19 testing has been made available to all New Yorkers. COVID-19 testing sites are available in your area with new ones being added on an ongoing basis. To find the one nearest you, visit the state website [New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) website], the City’s website [New York City’s COVID-19 Information Portal], or type “COVID testing near me” in Google Maps.

·         Crisis Text Line has support resources and counselors available for free 24/7 for frontline and essential workers. Text NYFRONTLINE to 741-741 to be connected, or visit

·         Mayor de Blasio announced an emergency financial relief program for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence to provide funding for immediate safety, economic, and housing needs currently exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Helpful resources that are currently available include the agency website, the “NYC HOPE” resource directory, and the Resources for Survivors During COVID-19 page.

·         Worried about having to self-isolate in a dangerous home situation? Co-quarantined with an abuser? Please reach out and contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Call 1 (800) 799-7233, TTY 1 (800) 787-3224, or chat online at

·         If you need mental health support, the New York Emotional Support Hotline is (844) 863-9314.

·         The New York Peace Institute has online resources to mitigate stress with tools such as meditation.

·         Use telemedicine services BEFORE going to the doctor’s office, urgent care, or the ER. Call (800) 633-4227 or your doctor for more information if you are on Medicaid. Whether you utilize Medicaid, private insurance, or are a self-payer, options are offered across many specialty areas. Urgent care telemedicine is available with New York-PresbyterianMount Sinai, or NYU Langone. Mental health telemedicine is available with Columbia Doctors. Diabetes telemedicine help is available with NYC Health + Hospitals. If you know other services, email


·         Mayor de Blasio announced the free “MEND NYC” program to provide mediation to New Yorkers and hospitality businesses across the city who are in disputes over quality-of-life issues. Mayor de Blasio recently expanded eligibility to neighbor disputes and landlord/commercial tenant disputes.

·         New York State is offering an additional 20 weeks of unemployment benefits. Visit to see if you qualify.

·         Distribution sites for small businesses looking to obtain face coverings, are open. Visit for more information across the boroughs.

·         The New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) has published plain language industry guides as a tool for small businesses to adhere to the latest mandatory guidance and to share best practices. Visit for more information on the guides.

·         Unemployed New Yorkers can access support at the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA)’s new website,, which was set up to provide resources for filing an unemployment claim. If needed, NYSBA will match people with a pro bono attorney.

·         The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce has launched the Bring Back Brooklyn Fund to support small businesses that have been shut out of other COVID-19-related loan programs, with 65 percent earmarked for minority and/or women-owned business enterprises (MWBE). The Bring Back Brooklyn Fund will offer no-interest recovery loans between $500 and $30,000. You can contribute to the effort here.

·         The New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) launched the NY COVID-19 Legal Resource Hotline to help New York City residents impacted by COVID-19 get answers to their legal questions on issues including unemployment benefits, employee rights, housing, public benefits, consumer debt, advance planning, stimulus payments, and special education issues. Call (929) 356-9582 Monday-Friday 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM to leave a message with your name and contact information or visit for more information.

·         DCWP’s Office of Financial Empowerment has transitioned all financial counseling and coaching programs to offer services remotely. Book an appointment here.


·         All students who would have received a free or reduced-price meal at school are now eligible for additional food assistance through Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT). This includes undocumented students, students whose private schools participate in the National School Lunch Program, and students in districts that implement the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). New York City families will receive an additional $5.70 for every day school has been closed to purchase foods available through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

·         School sites are open for grab-and-go meals from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, outside of main entrances of every school building. The program is now open to anyone who wants food, no questions asked. Go to, or text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 877-877 for lists of where meals are being served. Members of the community can pick up meals from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday at select schools at over 200 locations as the program moves toward an after-school schedule.

·         New Yorkers can use their SNAP benefits to order online.

·         The City has streamlined the home delivery of meals to seniors and is working to support our food pantries, which are critical partners in these efforts. In the interim, you can find a list of key resources at or by calling 311 and saying “Get Food.”

·         Hunter College New York City Food Policy Center has partnered with Share Meals, Hunger Free America, BetaNYC, and Plentiful to compile a listing and guide on food resources available to New Yorkers.


·         Mayor de Blasio urged older New Yorkers and those ‘at risk’ to stay home as COVID surges.

·         The New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) has been training to remove snow on streets with Open Restaurant structures. For more information, click here. Sign up for snow alerts and updates via or @NotifyNYC on twitter.

·         Governor Cuomo instated COVID-19 restrictions on bars, restaurants, gyms and residential gatherings in New York State. More information on the guidelines can be found here.

·         The New York City Department of Health (DOHMH) released holiday guidance including a strong recommendation to all New Yorkers that they not travel or gather in groups this holiday season. To read the 2020 Holiday Guidance, click here.

·         Support small business this holiday season and get up to $100 back from NYC & Co.’s “Neighborhood Getaways” program. For further information, click here.

·         The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) released guidelines regarding indoor dining throughout the winter. To read further, click here.

·         The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) released indoor dining guidelines that can be found by clicking here.

·         The Mayor’s Office released guidance to heat outdoor dining spaces for restaurants participating in the Open Restaurants program.

·         Electric radiant heaters will be allowed for sidewalk and roadway seating setups. For full guidance from the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB), click here.

·         Natural gas radiant heaters will be allowed on the sidewalk only. For full guidance from DOB, click here. Natural gas radiant heaters must also comply with the Fire Code.

·         Portable heaters fueled by propane will also only be allowed on the sidewalk. Propane heating will be regulated by the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), with requirements for safe handling, use and storage. For full guidance from the FDNY, click here.

·         Governor Cuomo announced new guidelines allowing out-of-state travelers to New York to “test out” of the mandatory 14-day quarantine. Travelers from states that are contiguous with New York will continue to be exempt from the travel advisory; however covered travelers must continue to fill out the Traveler Health Form. Essential workers will continue to be exempt as well. For more information on the newly effective protocol, click here.

·         The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will only offer services in person by reservation for limited transactions that cannot be done online or by mail or drop box. You can make reservations at

·         Visit MutualAid.NYC for information on groups and individuals working on mutual aid in their communities, as well as if you need help or can help.

·         Free and low-cost childcare options during the COVID-19 crisis are available through Workers Need Childcare, for parents and caregivers in New York City’s essential workforce.

·         For veterans and their families, the NYC Veterans Alliance has a list of resources on their website.


·         For New Yorkers requiring quarantine or isolation, NYC Health + Hospitals is offering free hotel rooms for up to 14 days if there is a need for a place to isolate. Call (844) NYC-4NYC (844-692-4692) and press “0”.

·         National Grid customers should be aware of a phone scam demanding immediate bill payment and threatening service disconnection. Learn ways to protect yourself and your family here.


·          The MTA has scheduled six Virtual Public Hearings and two Virtual Satellite Hearings to solicit public comments on their 2020 Fare and Toll proposals. In keeping with COVID-19 pandemic safety protocols, all hearings will be held virtually via a Zoom Webinar Format live-streamed on their YouTube Channel. If you wish to speak at any of these hearings, you must register to do so during the time allotted. Find out more info on the hearings here and to register to testify, click here.

·         The MTA launched a new interactive beta digital map to allow riders to plan their trips and see real time alerts. To view the map click here.

·         There is currently no subway service from 1:00 AM to 5:00 AM to allow for cleaning and disinfecting of trains and stations. The “MTA Overnight” page provides details on the service changes.

For City alerts in English, text COVID to 692-692.

For City alerts in Spanish, text COVIDESP to 692-692.

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