168网查询记录 - 168赛车资料数据查询网 - 极速(中国版)赛车官方结果 - Brooklyn Community Board

Servicing the needs of more than 184,000 residents composed of a variety of ethnic and income group that reflect in a true sense the mosaic mirror of the City of Brooklyn. Its boundaries are from the north: Jackie Robinson Parkway (Queens Border) to the south: Belt Parkway: from the east: Queens City line (border to the west: Van Sinderen and Louisiana Avenue. The District Office provides assistance to the Community Board in regards to its work within the community, as an advisory body. Another obligation of the District Office is to assist in resolving community complaints as it relates to municipal services.
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Learn more about the statistics from Community Board 5 District

Population (2000 Census)

Land Area

Persons per mi²


Age Under 18


Age 65 & Over


Access to Parks


Street Cleanliness


Foreign-Born Population