NYC Parks COVID-19 Update – 8/20/20

August 21, 2020

Park Permits Update

Due to health and safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be issuing Fall season athletic field & court permits at this time. Although the Fall 2020 (September 1 – November 30) season permits portal is currently open and requests are being accepted, we will not process or charge any fees for the fall season until further notice. We will continue to reassess our ability to issue permits later in the fall.
We continue to allow sports activity of low to moderate risk on our courts and fields across the city on a first-come, first-served basis, in accordance with the State’s reopening guidelines for sports and recreation. ​

Additionally, recent City & State guidance regarding health and safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic have led NYC Parks to institute some changes regarding our permit process for special events in parks.
Until further notice, no special event permits will be granted for applications with an expected attendance of more than 50 people at any one time. Furthermore, if an event requires any of the below, the permit application will be denied:

Applicant seeks a location that NYC Parks determines would prevent members of the public from the reasonable simultaneous use of all or part of the park for recreational purposes
Applicant requires the authorization of vehicles to be driven in a park
Applicant is seeking use of a sound device permit when the event would include a stage or video screens.

To make it easier for New Yorkers to enjoy their parks and benefit from recreational opportunities, even if they’re staying indoors, NYC Parks has launched Parks@Home: a wide variety of online park tours, fitness classes and other fun activities. Get more information here:

For all updates on park service changes and closures, please refer to the NYC Parks website:
For more information and guidance about COVID-19, please refer to the DOHMH website:

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