Brooklyn Public Library Virtual Resources

March 24, 2020

In this time of great need, the Brooklyn Public Library, like many others have moved their resources and services virtual to still provide access. More information can be found on BPL’s dedicated Coronavirus page. Please use the links below to for access to ebooks, career information and much more.

Brooklyn Public Library Virtual Resources

Here are just some of the things you can do from home:

Check out an eBook
Read the newspaper
Browse dozens of magazines
Listen to BPL’s podcast, Borrowed
Pick up a new language
Learn a new software, business or creative skill

Children and teens might enjoy:
Hearing a story from our singing librarian
Learning about career options
Discovering different cultures
Practicing for the SAT and other tests
Learning about social issues like climate change
Putting together a submission for our teen writing contest
And the whole family can learn about the 2020 Census together.

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