NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) – COVID-19 Updates

June 9, 2020

To get to this page type NYC sanitation and look for COVID-19 updates.

Curbside Collection:
Collection service for trash and recycling is ongoing (with some delays). Curbside compost collection has been suspended as of May 4, 2020 until June 30, 2021.
Follow your normal collection schedule. Put items at the curb between 4 p.m. – midnight, the evening before your pickup day.

Food Scrap Drop-off Sites:
Sites are closed. Residents should not leave food scraps at any location.

Get Compost:
The DSNY Compost Distribution Program has been paused until further notice. This includes all compost deliveries, pickups and scheduled giveback events.

SAFE Disposal Events:
Events have been canceled until further notice.

Special Waste Drop-off Sites:
Sites are closed. Residents should not illegally dump waste.

For buildings already enrolled: new pick-up appointments will not be accepted until further notice.

Curbside E-Waste Pickup Request:
New appointments will not be accepted.

For buildings already enrolled: new pick-up appointments will not be accepted until further notice.

Clothing and Textile Drop-Off:
Each organization’s needs and capacity may change rapidly due to the COVID-19 response. Please email, call, or connect on social media for the most up-to-date information before attempting any drop-off/donations:

Building Maintenance Training Program:
All training dates have been canceled until further notice. Contact with any inquiries.

Decals, Signage and Resources:
We are not shipping orders at this time. Our print materials are available as PDF downloads for your convenience:
Orders not fulfilled at the time of suspension will be sent out from our warehouse later this year.

It is illegal to place tires in the garbage. DSNY garages are not accepting tires at this time. Special Waste Drop-Off Sites are closed until further notice. Check back for more updates.

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