Daily City Hall COVID19 Updates 8/12/2020

August 12, 2020

Dear Community:

Getting tested for COVID19? Make sure you know the difference between the two types of tests:
• Virus tests tell you if you have COVID-19 and are currently sick.
• Antibody tests tell you if you had COVID-19 at some point in the past.
• Learn more: https://on.nyc.gov/2yQoxDc
• Spread the word : https://twitter.com/nycHealthy/status/1292555033083609089
• Learn more about COVID-19, or coronavirus, in American Sign Language.
o Share this video to remind New Yorkers to make a plan, gather supplies, and stay informed with @NotifyNYC: https://twitter.com/nycemergencymgt/status/1245797559572062210?s=20
• For New Yorkers with symptoms or questions about COVID-19, connect to a medical provider
o free of charge 9am to 9pm
o 1-844-NYC-4NYC
• Fact Sheet: Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/imm/covid-19-pmis.pdf
• Webpage full of resources for New Yorkers with Disabilities during COVID-19. For information on Food/Supply Delivery, Social Security/Medicaid Benefits, Home Healthcare Services and more
o visit: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/mopd/resources/covid-19-resources-for-people-with-disabilities.page
• Centralized COVID19 page for resources:
o Nyc.gov/coronavirus
• Get Tested in Your Community
o Find Community testing sites operated by NYC Health + Hospitals near you: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/coronavirus/resources/covid-testing.page
• Testing Sites Citywide for people most at risk
Open to 1199 workers, health care workers, and residents over 65 Call 1-888-OneMED1 or go to onemedical.com and use the code NYCCARE30
See below updates from City Hall:
• Share resources, events and announcements
• Test & Trace: Expanded Hyper-Local Response in Sunset Park
• Heat Advisory
• Daily Indicators
• FREE legal services are available to ALL New Yorkers facing eviction, regardless of immigration status.
o Call 311 today or go to http://nyc.gov/tenantresourceportal or http://nyc.gov/portalparainquilinos.
o Share the resource: https://twitter.com/nycgov/status/1293261904303988737
• Things New Yorkers can do to slow the spread of COVID19:
o Stay home if sick
o wash hands often for at least 20 seconds
o Wear a face covering while outside the home, including in shared indoor spaces
o Keep 6 feet between you and others
o Learn more: https://on.nyc.gov/coronavirus
o Share widely: https://twitter.com/nycHealthy/status/1293279849268817921
• Free support, hotel rooms, and resources are available while you self-isolate.
o Whatever you need to recover from COVID-19, our Test & Trace Corps will provide it for free
o Watch and Share: https://twitter.com/nycgov/status/1293291099839254532
• EVENT: Join us TODAY for a Family and Student Engagement Session and learn more about our plans for the 2020–21 school year!
o Wednesday, August 12, 2020 FROM 6:30pm-8:00pm
o Register now: http://learndoe.org/face. Select your preferred language and submit a question.
o Share: https://twitter.com/NYCSchools/status/1293230702205513732
• How is New York City helping small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic?
o SBS Commissioner Jonnel Doris has the answers. Go to http://nyc.gov/business for more.
o Share: https://twitter.com/nycgov/status/1293340527400833029
• We’re preparing NOW to make sure we can keep our students and staff safe and healthy.
o Head to http://schools.nyc.gov/returntoschool2020 for more.
o Share: https://twitter.com/nycgov/status/1293277506880122880
• New York City has more Open Streets than any city in the nation!
o 67 miles of car-free streets are open. Find a location near you! http://nyc.gov/openstreets
o Share: https://twitter.com/nycgov/status/1293307705952624640

• Translations of the Pandemic Benefits Guidance are available and posted on the AccessNYC site!
o Many people who have been impacted by COVID-19 qualify for benefits to help them buy groceries, get health care, or get financial support to make up for lost income.
o See what support you might be eligible for at access.nyc.gov/pandemic-benefits-guidance. Downloadable PDF translations of this guidance are available.
• Reopening NYC Businesses
o NYC.gov/nycbusiness provides information and guidelines for businesses reopening in NYC.Translations of the phase one safety plan and guidelines for construction, manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, and more are available.
• New DCWP COVID-19 Hub
o NYC.gov/DCWPAlerts provides information and translated resources on scams, funeral planning tips, debt collection cease communications, student loans, free tax prep, license expiration and renewal dates, price gouging, and more.
• Many services are available to ALL regardless of immigration status:
o 500,000 New Yorkers on the frontlines of the COVID19 pandemic are immigrants. Our delivery workers, drivers, health care staff, and others are essential to our city—and always have been.
o Read more: http://nyc.gov/immigrants/coronavirus
o Share the Resource: https://twitter.com/NYCImmigrants/status/1255580536237633536
• Translated COVID-19 Graphics available on our immigrant resource guide page at nyc.gov/immigrants/coronavirus

• Attention immigrant New Yorkers: Seek care without fear.
o Use of our health services related to #COVID19 will not be considered under the Public Charge rule and will not impact your ability to apply for a green card or citizenship.
o More info: http://bit.ly/2ic6qcV
o Spread the word: https://twitter.com/NYCHealthSystem/status/1251595115677790209?s=20
o Spread the word in 24 languages
• Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Hotline
o If you have questions about immigration or how to access City services during the #COVID19 crisis
o Call our hotline at 212-788-7654 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday,
o Email to AskMOIA@cityhall.nyc.gov
o Spread the word: https://twitter.com/NYCImmigrants/status/1251196907914960904?s=20

o English: https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/imm/health-disparities-flyer
o Español | Русский | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Kreyòl ayisyen | 한국어 | বাংলা | Italiano| Polski | العربية | Français | ײִדיש” | اردو | فارسى | ελληνικά | ગુજરાતી | עברית | हिन्दी |
日本語 | Português | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ(India) | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ(Pakistan) | Tagalog | ไทย | བོད་པ་
• NYC Health + Hospitals (H+H) is making hotel rooms available for New Yorkers who may need to self-isolate because they have COVID-19 or COVID-19 like symptoms, but their homes do not allow for them to stay six feet away from others, or they live with someone who is vulnerable.
o Download and share the flyer: English | Español | Shqip | االعربية | বাংলা | Français | Kreyòl Ayisyen | हिंदी | 한국어 | Polski | Русский | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 | اُردُو
• 11,000 hotel rooms to help New Yorkers Quarantine
o If you’re a healthcare worker and need a hotel nyc.gov/covid19hotel

• Stop the spread of misinformation about COVID19 and stand against stigma.
o If you have been harassed or discriminated against due to race, national origin, age, or disability, contact NYC Commission on Human Rights by calling 311.
o Call 911 if you are a victim of or witness a hate crime.
o Head to http://nyc.gov/stopcovidhate
o Spread the word: https://twitter.com/NYCImmigrants/status/1247554639874097153?s=20
o This mobile-accessible website contains nearly 100 listings of LGBTQ+ affirming services still available citywide, including food programs, legal services, health resources & more.
o Check it out:nyc.gov/lgbtqcovid
o Share the resource: https://twitter.com/NYCUnityProject/status/1260226325547307009
• COVID-19 and Poison Prevention: Staying Safe While Staying Home
o You can find guidance with translations here:
• Skip the Trip to Access HRA:
o To help stop the spread of COVID-19, many HRA locations are consolidating until further notice. We are asking New Yorkers to do everything they can through #AccessHRA or by calling 311.
o Spread the Word: https://twitter.com/NYCDHS/status/1244720107365990401
• Volunteer, donate or partner with NYC: nyc.gov/helpnow
• Assistance for Organizations
o Including healthcare facilities, small businesses, non-profits and more
o https://www1.nyc.gov/site/helpnownyc/get-help/organizations.page
• Services for Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Survivors
o You are not alone. We understand home is not always safe.
o For services visit nyc.gov/nychope
o Call NYC’s 24-hour hotline at 1800-621-4673 or call 911 for emergencies
o More Resources: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/ocdv/get-help/resources-for-survivors-during-covid-19.page
• Freelancers in NYC: If you’re facing nonpayment issues, file a complaint:
o Learn more: https://on.nyc.gov/34hE22g

• It’s ILLEGAL for stores to overcharge you.
o If you think a store excessively increased the price of items needed to prevent or limit the spread of or treat COVID19 you can:
 file a complaint at http://on.nyc.gov/overcharge
 call 311 and say “Overcharge.”
 Learn more: http://on.nyc.gov/39D7Pnj
 Share in multiple languages: https://twitter.com/NYCImmigrants/status/1247192425061326852?s=20
• Donate money, medical supplies or Personal Protective Equipment for front line workers
o https://www1.nyc.gov/site/helpnownyc/give-help/donate.page
• Affected by COVID19? Find out what benefits you may qualify for and more
o English https://access.nyc.gov/coronavirus-covid-19-updates/
o More resources are here as well: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/helpnownyc/get-help/individuals.page
• Renters have rights in New York City and we will help you fight for those rights.
o Call 311 if you’re having issues. We will provide free legal help regardless of income or immigration status.
o Spread the word in multiple languages: https://twitter.com/NYCImmigrants/status/1258467271548252161
• TLC Launches Resource Center
o Legal, Financial and other Services to Hard Hit Drivers https://portal.driverresourcecenter.tlc.nyc.gov
• Has your financial situation changed due to #COVID19?
o NYC Financial Empowerment Center counselors are available to support you over the phone with free financial counseling – it’s secure and confidential.
o Book an appointment at http://nyc.gov/TalkMoney

• Paycheck Protection Program: https://access.nyc.gov/paycheck-protection-program/

• Economic Injury Disaster Loan: https://access.nyc.gov/sba-loan-announcement/

• Student Loan Debt Tips During COVID-19
o https://www1.nyc.gov/site/dca/consumers/Student-Loan-Debt-Tips-During-COVID19.page
• FAQ for Pandemic Unemployment Benefits
o https://access.nyc.gov/faq-for-pandemic-unemployment-benefits/

• COVID-19 Jobs: https://fphnyc.org/about/careers/

• Pet owner impact by COVID-19
o Call the Pet Hotline at 1-877-204-8821
o 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, 7 days a week

• Mental Health Support New Yorkers Can Access While Staying Home
o Resources and a 24/7 hotline at nyc.gov/nycwell
o A free resource guide for all New Yorkers as well as services tailored to the needs of aging New Yorkers, veterans, students and young people, and people harmed by violence, crime or abuse : https://thrivenyc.cityofnewyork.us/mental_health_support_while_home
• To access SNAP online ordering
o Go to https://www1.nyc.gov/site/hra/help/snap-online-shopping.page
• COVID-19 Resources for NYCHA residents
o Go to http://on.nyc.gov/nycha-covid-19-resources
• If you believe an employer is violating either existing labor laws or recently issued executive orders:
o Contact 311 or the New York State Attorney General at (212) 416-8700 or Labor.Bureau@ag.ny.gov to report them.
o Learn more: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/dca/workers/worker-rights.page
• NYC Food Delivery Driver Portal
The City of New York is hiring licensed TLC drivers to deliver food to New Yorkers in need during the COVID-19 crisis.
o Learn more or Sign up:
• New York City Department of Probation:One week of free groceries are available to all New Yorkers in five boroughs at the Neighborhood Opportunity Network (NeON) Nutrition Kitchens, in partnership with the Food Bank of NYC and the NYC Young Men’s Initiative (YMI)
o https://www1.nyc.gov/site/neon/programs/nutrition-kitchen.page

• We’ve released a Work from Home Toolkit to help New Yorkers make the most of working from home.
o Check it out https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/cto/#/toolkit/working-from-home
o Spread the word: https://twitter.com/NYC_CTO/status/1251138741906915329
• DOE Graphics Library
o A collection of graphics on the DOE’s recent announcements that can be shared with families and educators, in all 9 DOE languages.
o https://infohub.nyced.org/in-our-schools/translations/graphics-library
• Remote Learning:
o You can request to have an internet-enabled device delivered to your home
o Fill out a device request form at coronavirus.schools.nyc/RemoteLearningDevices or call 311 for support
o For more information about remote learning, activities for students, and technical support go to schools.nyc.gov/LearnAtHome
o Take our remote learning survey: https://twitter.com/NYCSchools/status/1252597483575939074?s=20
• Housing Court
o is closed for most non-essential matters and that all pending proceedings are being administratively adjourned
o New York City Housing Court are now only open for essential cases permitted by the court, such as landlord lockouts, serious housing code violations, and requests for emergency repairs orders. Other Housing Court cases are on hold.
 Know that since March 16, 2020, all eviction proceedings in New York City are suspended indefinitely. For more information, please visit the NYC Department of Investigation (DOI).
 Anyone with knowledge of City marshals attempting to execute on warrants of eviction can report this activity by calling DOI’s Bureau of City Marshals at 212-825-5953.
 Call 311 or fill out the Mayor’s Office to Protect Tenants Contact Us form if you are being threatened with eviction, harassment or need emergency help.
• What is recyclable in New York City?
o Check:
 Our “How to Get Rid of” tool: https://on.nyc.gov/2HIUZcb
 Our What to Recycle page: http://on.nyc.gov/what-to-recycle
Or ask us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NYCSanitation/status/1260571081355771904

• Outreach to all
• Expanded testing capacity
• Follow up
o Live calls to all from Test & Trace Corps by this Friday
o Robocalls to all through next Friday
o Knock on all doors

o Corner of 44th Street and 6th Avenue 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
 Today – Friday 8/15 & Next Monday-Friday (8/17 – 21)
o CORE Brooklyn Herald Gospel Center 809 44th Street
 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday – Sunday (8/15 – 16)

o Extending rapid point of care testing to Brooklyn Army Terminal starting Monday, 8/17
o Expanded Urgicare Testing with AdvantageCare Physicians starting today at 740 64th Street
 Call (866) 749-2660 for Urgicare appointment

• 200 cooling centers with social distancing
• 250 cooling & misting locations in most heat-burdened communities
• 300 hydrants opened with spray caps
• 650 spray showers in City Parks open now
• 16 “Cool Streets” with expanded cooling options
• nyc.gov/ChillOut

o Threshold: Under 200
o Today’s report: 81
o Threshold: Under 375 patient
o Today’s report: 296
o Threshold: 15%
o Today’s report: 1%

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