Summer Camps Guidance from DOH

June 17, 2020

Dear New Yorker:

DOHMH has updated their summer day camps guidance page which largely includes State guidance:

Summer Day Camps Can Open June 29
New York State has issued requirements and best practices for operating a summer day camp in 2020.
Before you open your camp, you must:

• Read and affirm Interim Guidance for Child Care and Day Camp Programs During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PDF).
• Read and incorporate the Child Care and Day Camp Programs Guidelines (PDF) into your daily operations.
o Review the general FAQ (PDF).
• Prepare a Reopening Safety Plan and conspicuously post it on site.
o New York State has created a Business Reopening Safety Plan Template (PDF) to assist businesses in preparing a plan.

You must also get a camp permit from the NYC Health Department. See below for more information.
If COVID-19 cases begin to increase, the Health Department may require camps to reduce operations or close as an emergency measure to protect public health. If you have questions, email

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